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Selling and administrative expense (sv= Affärsomkostnad AFFO)
Affärsomkostnader, AFFO, är en sammanslagning av administrationsomkostnader, AO, och försäljningsomkostnader FO.
Safety margin
Sale and lease back
Selling and administrative expense
- - - - - - Visas ovan - - - -
Selling expenses
Selling overhead expenses
Semi fixed cost
Separable cost
Separable revenue
Share capital
Share premium reserve
Share Register
Share with different voting power
Shareholder´s contribution
Social security contributions
Sole proprietorship
Split finacial year
Statutory reserve
Step contribution costing
Stock accounting
Strait-line depreciation
Subscription right certificate
Subsidiary ledger
Substans over form
Substans over form
Sum of assets
Sunc cost
Surplus value
Surplus value - deffered tax
Surplus value - full or net
Swedish Accounting Standars Board
Swedish Companies Registration Office
Swedish Financial Reporting Board